This photo was in 2015 during Garth’s 6 month battle with lung cancer. This year was the hardest year of my life and yet this photo is pure joy! We decided in the moment , to celebrate life, and we came to the USA for a 4 week family vacation ( at the time we were living in South Africa) It was blissful !
Cancer was a wake up call for us and has taught us how to live life with more intention.
I try everyday to live a balanced life by choosing what’s meaningful and purposeful but it is really hard as I feel bombarded with distractions daily. Here are some questions I like to ask myself to help me refocus and live with intent:
➡️ How do I want to spend my time today ?
➡️ What truly makes me happy and brings me joy ?
➡️ What can I be grateful for today?
By choosing activities that matter most to you, you can assess what's really important to you and try to live your life with intention!
Hopefully these questions are as helpful to you as they are to me!